Monday, January 9, 2012

I'm All About Some Food

Following the Great Casserole Fail of 2012, wherein Miss Gokey came over for a cheese blintz casserole that flopped and forced us to call Marco's Pizza, I decided to commit this post to food.

One of the tasks in Independence Days is to sit down and make a list of 4 breakfasts, 4 lunches, 4 snacks and 4 dinners that your family will actually eat (SCORE for being single!), that you can make using mostly ingredients that can sit on a pantry shelf or come from the garden.

After scratching cheese blintz casserole from my list and vowing never to trust recipes from the Northwest Indiana Times again, here is what I came up with (based on what I have RIGHT NOW):

1) granola
2) donuts
3) oatmeal
4) breakfast bars (highly processed, maybe not what Sharon Astyk had in mind.)

1) protein shake
2) PB&J with pretzels/chips
3) diet coke
4) carrots

1) trail mix
2) dried fruit
3) cookies
4) nuts

1) soup
2) pasta
3) ?
4) ?

"Off to a good start," indeed. Good thing I keep lots of breakfast items and I really like soup. What does your list look like?

I watched a documentary called Ingredients on Netflix. It was about the whole "buy local" movement that has been popular for many years now, but which I am just now hearing about. Growing food and buying locally is also a big part of Kelly Coyne's The Urban Homestead. I do not keep a garden because it only frustrates me, although I know people who do. For you, I found this handy guide to eating your flowers.

It is difficult to buy locally here on the northern edge of the Mojave Desert, but I do what I can by buying regionally. I received an e-mail in response to an inquiry I made to Tesco, the company in the U.K. that owns my favorite grocery store. It seems that 60% of my produce is grown in California, so that makes me feel better, kinda...

So, this has been my first post about food, but it definitely won't be the last. Happy Eating! May all of your casseroles be delicious the first time you make them.

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