Saturday, January 14, 2012

Back to Reality

There's a reality show that places volunteers in a post-apocalyptic-Los-Angeles-warehouse for 10 weeks.

The show is called The Colony and is available on Netflix. Fascinating idea, isn't it? The volunteers are all weirdly skilled at strange things. It kind of reminds me of the values-clarification lesson where you write a list of occupations on the board and have the students create a new society on the moon (or wherever) using just a few of the people on the list. I have been making my way through Season 1 (2009). Honestly, if and when Season 2 becomes available, I will not watch it, as there are plenty of other post-apocalypse shows out there that I should sample and review for you. Anyhow, the participants in Season 1 include a "handyman," an electrician, a doctor, a trauma nurse, a martial arts instructor, a marine biologist (?), a contractor, and three engineers: a computer engineer, an aerospace engineer, and a mechanical engineer. 

WHY ON EARTH DON'T THEY HAVE A HISTORY TEACHER? One of the show's viewer comments on says, "I guess in the post apocalypse no run-of-the-mill folks manage to survive and come together." 

So these ten people are stuck in a warehouse where they miraculously have most of the stuff that they need to survive. As in any reality show, they also have producers who help them out if one of the disaster contexts they (the producers) design somehow goes horribly wrong. Disaster contexts include such things as, "resource scarcity," "unity and complacency," "exploration of faith," "dealing with loss," etc. It was this last one, "dealing with loss," wherein we hear the narrator tell us that a member of the cast has been removed from the experiment but the "colonists" don't know it, and then we get to watch them grieve, that convinced me that there needs to be a history teacher in any disaster scenario. A history teacher would've reminded them that a producer was currently driving their friend to McDonald's. When they resort to eating rats, the history teacher would've reminded them that they were near a river previously known for its edible fish population. Whatever. I'll see where Season 1 goes and then move on. IMDb informs me that viewers who like The Colony also like an earlier series, Jericho from 2006. I think I'll put that on the queue next. 

In the meantime, this show is still on the air. It has an active website where you can audition for Season 3 if you're interested. 

At any rate, you should stop by the site and do the best thing (in my opinion) about this show, the Survival Personality Quiz. It's less real but more entertaining than the one from Yes! magazine that I posted a few weeks back. Here is my own result: "Your odds of survival in a post-apocalyptic world are pretty slim – and that’s OK with you because there is no life without TiVo and chai latte. Hopefully, you won't suffer too much on your way out." 

On that happy note, I may as well head toward Starbucks. 


  1. I'm happy to see the blog up and running... as for the quiz... I received the same result as you. My deductive reasoning tells me that it is an incorrect result considering I don't drink chai latte or have a TiVo. I drink wine and have a DVR. ;)

    1. I don't have/drink that, either. It will be interesting to see if anyone else gets a different result. :)
