Friday, February 1, 2013

Achievement and Success

I was driving in to work today and I had a fleeting thought, which I've forgotten now, but some words that someone said to me came back to me in a flash and I thought about tweeting or posting on facebook, "What if some words you said to me were the most important words I ever heard, and you never even knew it?"

Yes, I know it's Friday night. I have NOT been drinking. In fact, I got a late start on the evening but am trying very hard to accomplish some things, and I think I've been succeeding, but we'll see. 

I skipped posting last night because I finally read the "Unconscious Brain" chapter of the National Geographic special, and after some lame excuse about how there is "difficulty...making black-and-white distinctions about states of the brain," the chapter covered Alien Hand Syndrome and drugs, then dedicated four whole spreads to sleeping and dreaming. Needless to say, immediately after finishing it, I fell asleep. I dreamed that Jodi and I were at a Denny's sharing a platter of pickle spears and some limp grilled cheese sandwiches. This is not the first time in recent memory that I have dreamed this. (The chapter informs us, by the way, that people who are actually hungry rarely dream of food or eating, and people who are thirsty don't dream of drinking.)

The most interesting part of the chapter was about intention and action. Apparently, if you research a political figure that you don't like and give a speech from their perspective, you will like them better afterwards. You will also TELL YOURSELF you didn't really mind them in the first place. The authors use this example to show that our brains will often act without processing first. Then, after the fact, our reasoning will think of ways to justify our actions by modifying our memories to make us think we intended all along to do the thing we have just done. Good job, brains. Good job. 

Today is an exciting day because we get to FLIP our calendar page in our Disaster Preparedness Calendar. We are supposed to buy one more can of meat, baby food if we have babies, and aspirin. Check, N/A and check!

Today is also an exciting day because I'm going to end this post by sharing images of the Chain. 

Please allow me to direct your attention to the location of the electrical outlet as compared to the end of the chain! Honestly, not that much time has passed, but those links disappear quite quickly!

In conclusion, I leave you with this week's winning chain links. 

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