Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Na'he's Annotated List

For this one, you'll need some time to dedicate to the contemplation of things that people need in order to survive. On April 26, I put out a Call for Submissions for things that we will need whether OR NOT everything goes awry in December. The most apocalypse-prepared individual I know (and I mean that in the good "prepared" way, and not the "James Wesley Rawles kinda crazy" way), Na'he Martin, sent me The Tiffany List. I have included it below, with editorial comments, and little check marks next to the things that I personally have.

ü      Many extra pairs of shoes
(maybe not enough to last until the end of time, but enough to get me to a shoe store I can loot)
ü      Lots of thread with needles
ü      Spare jacket and sweaters
(I believe I have hoodies enough for the whole neighborhood to wear for at least a decade)
Waterproofing oil materials
ü      Duct tape
Wire (including copper wire)
Synthetic twine for making nets
A saw or two
ü      A hiking backpack
ü      An axe
Extra gasoline
(I will have to barter for this. It's too volatile for me to have lying around in the desert.)
Or maybe an old Mercedes converted for biofuel
(Why Mercedes?)
Ideally a pop-up Vanogan converted to bio
(Much cuter)
A bicycle plus oil and fix-it book
ü      Pocket Knives (multi-tools?)
Flint rock
Magnifying glass
(I have little fire starters - do these count?)
ü      Water purifier
(I have a limited supply)
(Nalgene bottles OK?)
ü      Protein powder
for a few years until the garden is established (I have 47 servings, or enough for 1.5 months)
Soap or materials to make soap 
Wash cloths
(it's not that I don't keep clean with soap/towels/etc., but I don't have an Apocalypse supply to speak of)
A weapon and knowledge about how to use it
(I have a few things that COULD be used as weapons, that I know how to use...)
40 Volume set of the OED volumes of “How Things Work” ???
ü      A book on chemistry (I got this weirdly, but I do have it.)
Book on house building
“The Art of the Stonemason” by Cramb (I want this!)
ü      Trowel
ü      Seeds (definitely not enough seeds to last me from now on or anything)
Hoe, shovel, weed puller, hand clippers, book on N. American plants, season planting guide
Grain seeds including wheat, flax, hemp, hops, barley, malt, marijuana (good for bartering)
Book on making beer (trading)
Book of building stone ovens
Yeast, baking powder/soda
Lots of black pepper seeds
ü      Salt
ü      Sugar
ü      Vitamin C – no scurvy! (Once again, not ENOUGH of any of these things.)
ü      Deck of cards
Checker/chess board
Flat sheets
ü      Tool box (hammer, screwdriver, ratchet set, wrench, nails, screws, glue, etc)
Stone mastic
Sharpening stone (I have one for my flintknapping tools, but it's too tiny, doesn't count.)
Tape measure
ü      Scissors (In fact, I have 30 pairs of scissors, not that they would cut metal or anything...)
A plane
Hand drill w/bits
ü      Metal files
Machine oil
Powdered milk paints
ü      Advil
ü      Medical kit
Gray’s anatomy
Grave’s alcohol, and a book on distilling
Enough tampons to last until menopause
A dog (but then you have to feed it)
Or trained falcon
Portable wind-up phonograph, with records
Figure out how to make electricity by bicycle like the NYC 99% people
Fishing pole/line/hooks/lures
ü      Compass
ü      Paper/pens/ink/pencils
ü      A mass amount of large Ziplock bags
ü      Tin foil
Eye glasses
Collapsible water barrels
Oil lanterns/candles
Book on candlemaking
Chickens, with wire to fence them
Guinea pigs (are these for eating?)
Goats (I would love a goat!) 

Shoe laces
Figure out a new calendar system b/c notches on wall will get boring
Celestial map for whole year (does star chart count? If so: check!)
Favorite books
(maybe a copy of Robinson Crusoe for irony but not Lord of the Flies) (heheh)
ü      Raincoat
Topo maps
“The Artist’s Handbook” by Ralph Mayor, a must for understanding how raw materials combine (want!)
LED lights in case you have electricity
ü      Hand-crank flashlight (Yosemite flashlight, plus one on the way, solar-powered!)
ü      Radio (in case someone is running the waves)
Book of Latin (for future and past identification)
Medical books and first aid


  1. I whole heartedly endorse this list.

  2. Still adding more to the list. Like buckets, shovels, blankets and cooking knives. Yes the Guinea pigs are for eating. They procreate quickly and eat left over veggie scrapper. They are field grazers and will stampede when startled. If you're in the desert you may want to start digging. It's cooler down below and you can store anything there. With good desert camo above you may be less noticed.
