Please understand that I would NEVER discourage you from using the internet, because if you use the internet less, you are less likely to read my blog!
Speaking of reading my blog, I noticed that I had a phenomenal number of hits on Tuesday after posting my Opportunity Cost post. Surprised at my newfound popularity, I examined the traffic sources and found that the majority of hits were from vampirestat. Notice it's not hyperlinked.
Guess what else exists? Zombiestat. That's right. There's a bot site with "zombie" in its name that seeks to give your blog a virus if you click on the traffic source.
So, I am here to perform the valuable public service of warning my fellow bloggers: DO NOT CLICK ON THE TRAFFIC SOURCE FOR ZOMBIESTAT! Or vampirestat.
I learned this intel from a google search that led me to a blog right here on the Blogger platform, Spam Spoiler. Sadly, Spam Spoiler's most recent post went live the Monday after the supposed apocalypse during December 2012.
Poor lonely zombie bot.

The "Happiness is Fleeting" zombie by Kerry Callen illustrates the "lonely zombie bot" point.
What else happens on the internet?
Buzzfeed. iOS7 causes the apocalypse.
In other news, I have a new app for my ancient android. It's called Buycott. I'm obsessed with it. I now know how many of the ingredients in my lunch of Green tomato + fakin bacon BLT were produced by companies that use GMOs.
You can choose whatever causes you want. But if Buycott tries to get you to click onto Zombiestat. Don't. I'm off to the store now, to scan barcodes with my phone.
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