I did not intend for today's post to continue with my fishing theme, but then on Sunday my mother went to JJ's and brought me home some filets of lake perch. Whilst I finished inhaling huge mouthfulls of the chewy fish, I noticed my mom stacking up a pile of miniscule fishing bones next to her plate. She, too, was eating lake perch. "Don't worry," she said, "If you ate a fish bone, you'd know it!" I doubted this pronouncement simply due to the enthusiastic gusto with which I was stuffing the perch into my mouth. I thought that surely a fishbone had flown down my throat at just the right angle to hide out and later stab one of my internal organs.
I googled, "perch bones in intestines" and eventually found my way to today's tip. Since most people (according to James Wesley Rawles) live near bodies of water (that doesn't include me), we may be relying on a fish diet after the apocalypse.
Add "marshmallows" to your apocalypse kit, because if you accidentally swallow a fish bone, you are supposed to wash it down with a mouthful of marshmallows.
There it is, something to help you stay alive a little bit longer than you otherwise might have. :)
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